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7-1 Project Two

7-1 Project Two

Q Competency In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competency: • Analyze how historical events and culture influence acts of terror • Analyze the impact of terrorist organizations on society Scenario You are an analyst with a federal agency. Your manager has asked you to investigate a domestic act of terror that has already occurred in order to help other agents learn from what occurred. You will create an after action report that traces what happened and what influenced this act with an explanation of the lessons learned from this incident that explores some of the changes to law and society that occurred as a result of this act. Directions In this project, you will examine a domestic act of terror that has already occurred. You will either choose an act of terror from among the list provided below or select a different act of terror with instructor approval: • Shootings committed by Dylann Roof at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina • Three southwestern Kansas men sentenced to prison for plotting to bomb Somali immigrants in Garden City, Kansas • Pulse Nightclub shooting in Orlando, Florida • Shooting in San Bernardino, California Use the Project Two Template in the Supporting Materials section to complete each of the parts outlined below. Part One For the first part of your after action report, you will consider acts of terror in general and why it is important to understand what drives or motivates these acts. In approximately 100 to 150 words for each item below, describe the following: • Begin by explaining to your audience the influences on acts of terror. You may want to consider why it is important to understand the differences between political and cultural influences when considering who commits acts of terror. • Then, explain to your audience how culture can influence terrorist ideologies. In what ways can a culture or cultural differences influence the thinking and ideas of someone who commits an act of terrorism? Part Two For the next part of your after action report, consider the specific act of terror you are examining for this report. In approximately 100 to 150 words for each statement below, complete the following: • Explain how extremism played a role in committing this act of terror. • Describe the political influences that contributed to this act of terror. o You may want to consider what was happening in U.S. politics or government at the time this event occurred that influenced the ideology of the terrorist and may have provoked the terrorist to act. • Describe specific cultural influences that contributed to this act of terror. o You may want to consider what was happening in U.S. culture at the time this event occurred that influenced the ideology of the terrorist and may have provoked the terrorist to act. • Explain how laws changed in response to this act of terror. o Consider the following: ? Were there specific laws enacted in response to this act? If so, which laws were enacted, and what was their goal? ? If no new laws were enacted as a direct result of this act of terror, which laws were applied? ? Were the laws that were applied created because of a previous act of terror? ? Are there gaps in the law that should be closed that could better prevent a recurrence of this type of act in the future? • Describe changes to security protocols that were made as a result of this act of terror or changes that could be made to lessen the chances that a similar event could happen again. Part Three For the last part of your after action report, consider the impact of terrorist acts in general. In 100 to 150 words for each statement below, complete the following: • Explain how society has changed its view of national security and safety. o Consider the following: ? Are there any civil liberties that Americans have willingly given up? ? How do Americans approach national security on an individual basis? ? How have attitudes about national security and the individual role changed? • Explain how the internet has contributed to homegrown terrorism. What to Submit To complete this project, you must submit the following: • After action report using the Project Two Template Any sources should be cited according to APA style.

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Individuals or groups may be motivated to commit terrorism acts because of either the influence of the cultural or/and political influences. It’s important to establish whether the motive for the act was either cultural or political because the political influence unlike cultural influence has proved to be far outreaching and many at times it was stemming from extremist leaders in a party while cultural influences many times here in the U.S did arose out of an individual dissatisfaction of another people’s way of life e.g. religion.